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Showing posts from October, 2010

More preserving FUN, alittle sewing and crochet fun...

I just LOVE the way food looks all preserved in canning jars!!!! Here are a couple of my latest... Dill Pickles and Pickled Banana pretty... Since last post I have now started to take over the 3 big shelf in our pantry.... Few more pretties up close.... Canned Summer Squash (great for squash casseroles!) Pickled Hot Peppers (going to be a present for someone!!) and Anise Pears And I've dried and vacuum bagged about a bushel of apple rings, lots of sweet potatoes and bell peppers! Anyone know what this is???? Its a Cushaw squash!! This huge squash was only $5!! And they are sooooo good!! Many meals can come out of this on squash (it weights ALOT!)... soup, pies, just roasted is really good to! I even canned some Cushaw butter! Anything you can do with sweet potatoes or winter squash you can do with a cushaw! Yep.... Muscadine wine in the making.... also Elderberry wine, Concord wine and an Apple wine. It takes so long though... which is why The Bald Man and I have be...